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Forged Steel Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves


Size: 2"~24"
Class: 150~2500
Three Pieces Forged Steel Body
Trunnion Mounted Ball,
Full & Reduced Bore
Anti-Static Device
Blow-out Proof Stem
Double Block and Bleed
Fire Safe Design
Vent Valve, drain valve
Lifting Lugs & Supporting Feet (8"& Larger)


Materials of Forged Steel Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves
Materials of Forged Steel Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves
No. Part Material
1 Body ASTM A216, ASTM A351-CF8M, ASTM A352 -LCC
2 Vent Valve Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
3 Ball ASTM A105/ENP, ASTM A182-F316
4 *O-Ring NBR / VITON
5 Seat Ring ASTM A105/ENP, ASTM A182-F316
6 Seat Insert PTFE / Nylon
7 Seat Spring Inconel X-750
8 Steel Ball Stainless Steel
9 Antistatic Spring Stainless Steel
10 Thrust Washer PTFE
11 Bearing Carbon Steel + PTFE, 316SS + PTFE
12 Seat Injection Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
13 Gland Flange ASTM A105, ASTM A182-F316, ASTM A350-LF2
14 *Gland Gasket 304SS+Graphite, 316SS+Graphite
15 Stem ASTM A105/ENP, ASTM A182-F316
16 Key Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
17 Top Flange ASTM A216-WCB, ASTM A351-CF8M, ASTM A352-LCC
18 Screw Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
19 *Stem Fire safe Packing Flexible Graphite
20 Stem Injection Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
21 *O-Ring NBR / VITON
22 *Body Gasket 304SS+Graphite
23 *O-Ring NBR / VITON
24 Adapter ASTM A216-WCB, ASTM A351-CF8M, ASTM A352-LCC
25 Body Nut ASTM A194-2H, ASTM A194-8, ASTM A194-7M
26 Body Stud ASTM A193-B7, ASTM A193-B8, ASTM A320-L7M
27 Bearing Carbon Steel+ PTFE, 316SS+PTFE
28 Drain Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
29 Trunnion ASTM A105/ENP, ASTM A182-F316, ASTM A350-LF2/ENP
30 *Trunnion Gasket 304SS+Graphite, 316SS+Graphite
31 Screw Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
32 Seat Follower ASTM A105/ENP, ASTM A182-F316
33 *Seat Fire safe Packing Flexible Graphite

ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Dimensions of Forged Steel Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves
Weights of Forged Steel Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves
Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 51 170 180 138 265 30
3 76 203 190 150 285 60
4 102 229 212 170 285 92
6 152 394 277 183 *400 190
8 203 457 301 216 *400 345
10 254 533 359 260 *500 495
12 305 610 419 287 *600 705
14 337 686 460 338 *600 859
16 387 762 494 375 *600 1020
18 438 864 521 402 *600 1440
20 489 914 656 427 *600 1918
22 540 991 733 480 *600 2352
24 591 1067 795 518 *700 2803
26 635 1143 870 535 *800 3200
28 686 1245 935 542 *800 4045
30 737 1295 1010 605 *800 4820
32 781 1372 1060 650 *800 5490
34 832 1473 1077 650 *800 6704
36 876 1524 1115 700 *800 7615
40 978 1727 1400 865 *800 10271

ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 51 178 140 110 250 26
3*2 51 76 203 180 130 265 34
4*3 76 102 229 190 150 285 62
6*4 102 152 394 212 170 285 102
8*6 152 203 457 277 183 *400 225
10*8 203 254 533 301 216 *400 373
12*10 254 305 610 359 260 *500 533
14*12 305 337 686 419 287 *600 730
16*14 337 387 762 460 338 *600 790
18*16 387 438 864 494 375 *600 1095
20*18 438 489 914 521 402 *600 1152
22*18 438 540 991 521 402 *600 2343
24*20 489 591 1067 656 427 *600 2060
26*22 540 635 1143 733 480 *600 2215
28*24 591 686 1245 795 518 *700 2700
30*24 591 737 1295 795 518 *700 2918
32*26 635 781 1372 870 535 *800 4005
34*28 686 832 1473 935 542 *800 4445
36*30 737 876 1524 1010 605 *800 4995
40*34 832 978 1727 1077 650 *800 8200

ASME Pressure Class 300 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 51 216 180 130 265 31
3 76 283 190 150 285 69
4 102 305 212 170 400 11
6 152 403 277 183 *400 211
8 203 502 308 217 *500 376
10 254 568 381 265 *600 540
12 305 648 429 307 *600 763
14 337 762 460 338 *600 900
16 387 838 581 375 *600 1300
18 438 914 674 414 *700 1715
20 489 991 713 450 *700 2090
22 540 1092 780 492 *700 2220
24 591 1143 850 531 *760 2890
28 686 1346 958 556 *800 4575
30 737 1397 1035 620 *800 5590
32 781 1524 1087 666 *800 6240
34 832 1626 1104 666 *800 7370
36 876 1727 1143 718 *800 8435
40 978 1930 1435 887 *800 11200

ASME Pressure Class 300 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 51 216 140 110 250 30
3*2 51 76 283 180 130 265 37
4*3 76 102 305 190 150 285 74
6*4 102 152 403 212 170 400 142
8*6 152 203 502 277 183 *400 253
10*8 203 254 568 308 217 *500 410
12*10 254 305 648 381 265 *600 580
14*12 305 337 762 429 307 *600 830
16*14 337 387 838 460 338 *600 970
18*16 387 438 914 581 375 *600 1530
20*18 438 489 991 674 414 *700 1830
22*18 438 540 1092 674 414 *700 2010
24*20 489 591 1143 713 450 *700 2220
28*24 591 686 1346 850 531 *760 3200
30*24 591 737 1397 850 531 *760 3200
34*28 686 832 1626 958 556 *800 4845
36*30 737 876 1727 1035 620 *800 6100
40*34 832 978 1930 1104 666 *800 8200

ASME Pressure Class 600 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 51 292 172 130 285 45
3 76 356 205 150 400 80
4 102 432 308 170 755 150
6 152 559 274 185 *500 248
8 203 660 342 223 *600 438
10 254 787 393 270 *600 701
12 305 838 522 310 *600 925
14 337 889 551 340 *600 1230
16 387 991 637 378 *700 1535
18 438 1092 683 418 *760 2135
20 489 1194 719 451 *760 2640
22 540 1295 754 492 *800 3370
24 591 1397 823 539 *800 3960
28 686 1549 958 556 *800 6060
30 737 1651 1035 620 *800 6690
32 781 1778 1087 666 *800 7825
34 832 1930 1104 666 *800 8460
36 876 2083 1143 718 *800 10650
40 978 2337 1435 887 *800 14700

ASME Pressure Class 600 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 51 292 164 110 265 40
3*2 51 76 356 172 130 285 54
4*3 76 102 432 205 150 400 99
6*4 102 152 559 308 170 755 212
8*6 152 203 660 274 185 *500 304
10*8 203 254 787 342 223 *600 510
12*10 254 305 838 393 270 *600 902
14*12 305 337 889 522 310 *600 1090
16*14 337 387 991 551 340 *600 1310
18*16 387 438 1092 637 378 *700 1640
20*18 438 489 1194 683 418 *760 2270
22*18 438 540 1295 683 418 *760 2430
24*20 489 591 1397 719 451 *760 3440
28*24 591 686 1549 823 539 *800 4250
30*24 591 737 1651 823 539 *800 4730
34*28 686 832 1930 958 556 *800 7200
36*30 737 876 2083 1035 620 *800 8600
40*34 832 978 2337 1104 666 *800 10020

ASME Pressure Class 900 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 51 368 193 136 400 52
3 76 381 302 158 755 87
4 102 457 332 180 *400 160
6 152 610 320 187 *600 385
8 203 737 365 226 *600 560
10 254 838 495 280 *600 820
12 305 965 600 329 *700 1125
14 324 1029 625 390 *760 1610
16 375 1130 675 407 *760 2010
18 425 1219 715 526 *760 2810
20 473 1321 750 600 *760 3460
22 524 1422 780 640 *800 4410
24 572 1549 800 690 *800 5497
28 667 1753 987 573 *800 10202
30 714 1880 1066 638 *800 11442
32 762 2032 1120 686 *800 12102
34 810 2159 1137 688 *800 17462
36 857 2285 1177 739 *800 20154

ASME Pressure Class 900 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 51 368 175 110 285 45
3*2 51 76 381 193 136 400 56
4*3 76 102 457 302 158 755 94
6*4 102 152 610 332 180 *400 226
8*6 152 203 737 320 187 *600 480
10*8 203 254 838 365 226 *600 650
12*10 254 305 965 495 280 *600 868
14*12 305 324 1029 600 329 *700 1310
16*14 324 375 1130 625 390 *760 1830
18*16 375 425 1219 675 407 *760 2205
20*18 425 473 1321 715 526 *760 3140
22*18 425 524 1422 715 526 *760 3288
24*20 473 572 1549 750 600 *760 3810
28*24 572 667 1753 800 690 *800 7580
30*24 572 714 1880 945 547 *800 7981
34*28 667 810 2159 987 573 *800 11202
36*30 714 857 2286 1066 638 *800 15653

ASME Pressure Class 1500 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 51 368 193 150 400 60
3 76 470 270 168 1135 115
4 102 546 275 176 *500 194
6 146 705 325 203 *600 580
8 194 832 501 248 *700 752
10 241 991 536 297 *700 1195
12 289 1130 614 357 *760 1970
14 318 1257 662 383 *760 2250
16 362 1384 700 434 *760 2760
18 407 1537 750 506 *760 3646
20 457 1664 864 586 *800 4497
22 495 1816 925 631 *800 5731
24 534 2045 1065 675 *800 7151

ASME Pressure Class 1500 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 51 368 183 110 285 56
3*2 51 76 470 193 150 400 82
4*3 76 102 546 270 168 1135 150
6*4 102 146 705 275 176 *500 295
8*6 146 194 832 325 203 *600 690
10*8 194 241 991 501 248 *700 930
12*10 241 289 1130 536 297 *700 1340
14*12 289 318 1257 614 357 *760 2070
16*14 318 362 1384 662 383 *760 2470
18*16 362 407 1537 700 434 *760 2950
20*18 407 457 1664 750 506 *760 3350
22*18 407 495 1816 750 506 *800 3600
24*20 457 534 2045 864 586 *800 5850

ASME Pressure Class 2500 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2 44 451 230 121 815 90
3 64 578 284 146 *500 200
4 89 673 303 164 *500 385
6 133 914 394 220 *600 778
8 181 1022 488 312 *760 1352
10 225 1270 600 425 *760 2137
12 267 1422 872 629 *760 3267

ASME Pressure Class 2500 Lb-Three-Piece(3PC)
Flanged Ends-Forged-Trunnion Mounted-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

Size d D L H1 H2 W Weight
in mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg
2*1-1/2 38 44 454 170 100 400 80
3*2 44 64 584 230 121 815 160
4*3 64 89 683 284 146 *500 320
6*4 89 133 927 303 164 *500 640
8*6 133 181 1038 360 365 *600 1170
10*8 181 225 1292 420 410 *760 1919
12*10 225 267 1445 509 470 *760 2972

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